
Mar 6, 20183 min

Homeschooling 3. Now the FUN starts

I have already seen such a change in my grandson. His confidence is growing day by day. We have a long journey ahead of us, but with his new love for finding things out, I know we are going to do just fine.We are now on our third week of home schooling and we are now doing more work each day.

We are still looking at fractions but in a very practical way. We made a great fraction wall. This will help us when we start looking at equivalent fractions. It also helped with his fine motor skills because using scissors is also something he finds very hard.

We still have to work on writing the numbers the correct way round but that will come. At the moment it's more important that he knows what the numbers represent.

Even though grandson finds maths very difficult, he is very happy to use numicon to work out how to add fractions. Numicon is an excellent resource and I was very lucky that a good friend of mine gave us a set. It will help us with adding, subtracting, arrays and lots lots more.

We have also been adding fractions into our everyday lives. Cutting our toast, slicing up cake and working out what fraction we should give dad.

We will be leaving fractions next week as our main focus but we will still use it in everyday words and actions We will be concentrating on number bonds and adding and subtracting. Adding and subtracting should always be looked at together so that it shows the relationship between the two.

I am sorry to say that the poor beans didn't survive the cold, cold weather - even in the new plastic greenhouse. I am pleased to say that the plastic greenhouse did survive. But this was a great learning opportunity to see that some plants can survive the cold and others cannot. His winter pansies are still looking great after being covered with snow for over three days.

More beans to plant, and tomatoes, peppers, carrots etc. But we will keep them inside until we are sure there is not going to be a repeat of the snow storms.

Lots more cooking this week. Grandson wanted to cook his own supper. He's getting a dab hand at using the microwave. He was so pleased with himself when he made beans on toast.

For Literacy we are looking at Fairy Tales. He loves fairy tales and we started with one of his old time favourites, Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We read the book and answered questions. His reading is good, so this task was a nice easy one. On Thursday we will be writing some sentences pretending to be Goldilocks. By the end of the week we will be composing a small poem for a Mothers Day card. And then we will have to make the card.

Yesterday we started to look at trees as part of our Science project. He learnt two new words - deciduous and evergreen. He managed to write 4 sentences in his book. It took a while as he is very reluctant to write and he finds it very difficult. We kept on using the words deciduous and evergreen throughout the day so that he would find it easier to remember them.

Today we had to go to the hospital to find out about his botox appointment. Botox injections really help with his mobility and loosens up his right leg.

After the hospital we took a trip to the park to find some trees to take photos of. He still remembered his new words and was very pleased with himself.

Then of course we just had to go puddle jumping.

Three weeks in and loving every minute of it. He is already learning so much.

Onward and upward.
